
ive done some editing on my second self portrait, would like to hear where I need improvements. I know, i have to fix the crown, someone already pointed out that it looks like a banana.

That's all.

If you're an artstudent, a lot of the artwork you are doing is for class :D

Such as the following.
The first is an exterior drawing for Imaging systems (look for the two figures, im sure you'll be surprised about one)

This is my second self portraits, its not done yet, i think it just looks so horrible that i have to share with the world.

This is my logo for 2D. Its for the Canadian Arts Therapy Association. It's kind of done, just need more black on parts.

Today is Thursday.
I think Thursday shall become my relaxation day, aside from groceries, I don't think I do much on these days.
Well today I got up at six and baked cookies, but that doesn't count.

I do have to edit my selfportrait that I posted here Sunday, it need eyebrows ><
I also have to make another one soon, that one I'll be the paperbag princess, its a role playing one.
Oh so that short musical, I've been trying to play around with it, but am having some trouble. The issue is the story only comes to mind when I am in a bad mood, and I dont like that side of me XD. Either way, its expanding into something more than just meeting someone in a coffee shop. The guy that talks to the girl tries to help her, simply because no one trusts anyone anymore and he wants to prove that there are good people in the world, I think he should also do it on a level in which he needs to help people so that he can be loved.

Nothing else to report.

Here are some peices I've been working on this weekend. My self portrait and my new 2D design final

The self portrait is Acrylic on canvas board. It's supposed to represent my ancestry, so I have my tarten over my face, I'm wearing a berret, I have a forestry background, soon (once stuff dries) i will add my celtic cross necklace overtop my tartan. This represents my scottish, french, native and irish heritage.
The 2D design on is actually my second crack at my image. This one is smaller and on a lighter blue. It's mixed media on matte board. I've used inks, gouche, pastel, and pen. so far XD.

These things and a bunch of psych study notes, makes me think I got a lot accomplished this weekend.

Well my paint should be dry, back to the self portrait.