I think she is done, the animals and other foods are now in it :)
I'll look at it later to make sure i still like it, but so far im pleased!
Haha, the BC fish, for some reason, I accidentaly painted as the Newfoundland fish, so i had to go over that, but i think it worked out.

Canada Day project!
This is just the background, ill put the animals in tomorrow :)
Alrigt, so for a few days I've been feeling slightly overwelmed with homework, end of the year, my own creative projects ect... Things, such as life kept getting in the way and made me feel overwelmed, also the feeling that time is going by WAY TO QUICKLY does not help. (I do think Sarah is correct in her theory of the universe expanding.)

I was worried I'd get to far behind because of the following reasons:
-wednesday I'll be leaving town, very unlikely I can bring my homework on the bus.
-appointments, TOO MANY OF THEM! thank god tis the end of the year and I can start cancelling them. I actually have one monday morning during 3 D -_-
-The week following Easter, that of the 12th, my ushering job will be starting up again.

For these reasons, and to just keep myself sane, I decided to NOT go onto MSN or FACEBOOK this entire weekend (that's the reason guys, and when I accidentallly signed into msn it was because I was connecting my ethernet cable into my laptop and it automatically signed me in, FIY SUKA =P)But I believe it has paid off. Any tips you can give would be helpful, I think I shall do a dry brush of greens and greys over it tomorrow. (do we need a write up :S)

I apologize for the backview, it is apparently shy of its behind as they were ALL dark.