Two new play ideas, I'm still laying the ground work in but here they are:

Art and Mind: a room of scientiest have a dispute about a newly found gene that proves that both art and mental illnesses are genetically passed on but on the same gene. They try to determine the next course of action: to destroy a these disorders in hopes of stopping mankind from having any more and thus destroying any hopes for new art. Or to keep art alive and their new found discovery hidden.

An atheist comes to Easter dinner: i know this may be controversial but i hope for it to be a comedic play. During Good friday's passover dinner the fiance of the young univerity student announces himself to be atheist, which does not sit well with the family. The mother make it her mission to tempt him into church hood, the sister tries to ignore him as she prepares her constant absent daughter for her eucurist, and the rest of the family just tries to survive the weekend while being as excentric as possible.

That is it.
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