If you're an artstudent, a lot of the artwork you are doing is for class :D
Such as the following.
The first is an exterior drawing for Imaging systems (look for the two figures, im sure you'll be surprised about one)

This is my second self portraits, its not done yet, i think it just looks so horrible that i have to share with the world.

This is my logo for 2D. Its for the Canadian Arts Therapy Association. It's kind of done, just need more black on parts.

Such as the following.
The first is an exterior drawing for Imaging systems (look for the two figures, im sure you'll be surprised about one)
This is my second self portraits, its not done yet, i think it just looks so horrible that i have to share with the world.
This is my logo for 2D. Its for the Canadian Arts Therapy Association. It's kind of done, just need more black on parts.