SO Thanksgiving I am spending alone, tis okay, twas my choice! However, when I looked at my schedule I noticed I begin production mode immediately after thanksgiving, so I decided, why not use this weekend to prepare a BUNCH of food so I don’t have to cook while I’m at school 6 days a week.
Great idea in theory, I’m sure.
Well my thanksgiving started out nice, our Prop’s teacher, Bob, let us one hour early to go check out a website, seeing as I had already checked this site out I boarded the bus to go to Superstore. However, I stopped before then to do some shopping at Winners.
I’m not really a shopper but I desperately wanted Rubber boots for the weather here, and seeing as the malls kept having them at eight bucks I decided to check this place out. Whoo hoo! Boots for thirty bucks (I would have rather spent ten but w/e). I broke them in by crossing the street to the superstore center. In there I went to the bulk barn and thought I’d purchase some Halloween candies for my roomies. I decided on yellow and brown gummie worms. Then I went through the store and bought the spices and whatever I had on my list....plus a little extra ; )
Finally I went to superstore, who disappointed me several times by not having things on sale that their flyer claimed to be on sale. I ended up with twice my grocery bill but had to reassure myself I may not be going grocery shopping for two weeks, though after the bill I may want to make that five. Hooray four bags jammed full with stuff, my school bag and my umbrella! With all this loaded cargo I decide that I’m taking a cart to the bus stop (it’s not as bad as it seems, it’s just beyond their parking lot....with one parking lot in between.)
Either way, I ended up at the edge of the Superstore parking lot, and saw that my bus was waiting there for me. FOR ONCE THE BUSSES WERE ON MY SIDE! I think, just as my cart stops moving, in the middle of the road, and cars are coming at me from left and right, front and behind. It fully stopped. My first thought, after what the hell?? Was Superstore has a locking device on these! I tried relentlessly to push it forward, but to no avail. Finally I went to the front and with a ton of struggle managed to move mine off the road and onto the edge of the LCBO, where I couldn’t move it anymore. I try to move it, again, and again but it won’t budge. Then I grab the bags and high tail it out of there for the bus. I’m halfway there when the bus decides to leave. Angrily I move forward and wait for another bus to come.
After some time of me texting people, telling them of the bus fiasco another came. I stumbled onto the bus and took a seat. At the second stop a stoned man came onto the bus. Unfortunately when he came on I was trying to see the sign post past him. He apparently thought I was staring at him and took the seat directly across from me. At which point he asked me how I was doing and wasn’t satisfied with my answer of “okay”. He wanted me to amplify and I used the word, “content.” He shrugged and went to the back of the bus and decided to start up a conversation with people who weren’t there.
The bus got to my stop, no one followed me off, and I somehow managed to treck all my bags almost home. They fell, a third time, outside of a house a few doors down from me. This was when our neighbour, who i have never met before, offered to help.
That night I made an apple pie and a tortiere, that can’ keep it’s lid on.
Hooray for food!
I updated my deviant art with two sketches, which I shall link here, for the heck o it :P
One is Gwynplaine, who is the character from Victor Hugo's the man who laughs. Great character! My drawing is not like Conrad Veidt's iconic version from the 1928 movie, which inspired the joker. That was purposefully done, didn't want to ruin the image, try out something new.
The other one has two of my orignal characters from a story I wrote.


Here are the thumbnails and such. People keep adding my thumbnails as their favourites which is odd cuz i kind of dismissed them >> and my friend said she liked one...she just didn't tell me which one.
I'm going to be designing a logo for my friend's estetic place. THAT SHOULD BE FUN.
I've never truly expressed this view, but it is a thought of mine, and I've never actually posted a thought on here, so why not?

The term, "I'm only human." is one often used as an excuse for not performing as adequately as one should. I must say, whenever I hear this term being used I cringe and die a little inside.
When did "human" become the lowest denominator, the par of our existence? The item of which we do not strive for merely succeed automatically and it is still not the glorious trophy?

How dare we use the word human so disgracefully that we will mock our history! Great people achieved great wonders, they were only human, but their ideas and creations have lived on far beyond them. Dante, and his philosophy theories. Michelangelo and Leonardo, their discovers about the human anatomy and their artwork that still strikes us. Gallelao, of course, a man who risked alienation to discover truth far greater than humans had ever thought was in their grasp before. Before these men as well there were signs of humans attaining to things they never thought possible before: look at the pyramids or Sphinx: aliens did not build those, humans did. Ancient Rome, statues, art, buildings, created by humans. Everything still alive today, why? Because we didn't stop with this belief that humans could simply attain only up to one set line. the term "only human" wasn't in existence because we were all that there was.

Only human? Do not insult those who have walked this earth before you.
Hey, haven't been updating this much, I guess a good reason would be the lack of internet at all hours of the day.
I have two new gouche paintings done. I should really begin putting my comics up, perhaps I'll do that today.
I've been writing, that tenth kingdom script is done its roughest, first copy. now to edit it. I also have a ton of other writing ideas I'm playing with:

1-script: Remake of a Twilight Episode I watched at 1Am a few weeks ago. It was called "a Piano in the House". Where a synical man takes pleasures in embaressing people and uses a self playing piano to bring out everyone's hidden selves. The story struck me as interesting but the fifteen minute episode did not give enough time for this story to evolve as much as I'd have liked.

2-Fairytale: You're right, I'm not tired of fairy tales yet! This is like a parable, that shall combine all the fairytales together by the one constant figure in them all: Prince Charming. Essentially, Prince Charming is the same guy in each story, once he marries one girl he'll find a way to get rid of her, and then goes off to find a new one :) I only got the idea two days ago so I don't know how it will all work out, but that is it!

3-Short Story: this one is extremely new and I'm not sure if I should write it. I'm having trouble just writing the summary here, haha.
Basically a young, gay, man decides to come out of the closet to his mother and it doesn't go according to HIS plan. He's this romantic character who wants his life to be like what he reads in his books and plays. So when he comes out he's expecting this huge abandonment from his mother and a life struggle to rebuild a relationship: he really wants it to be a turning point for himself that he can write a book about like so many people have done before him, but he throughly misjudges his mother who already figured it out and is very accepting of his life style. His decision to live a life that is unattainable to him and only available in his books, results in him hurting his mother, leading to alienation from his family.

Dont know if those things made sense, whatever :)

Anyway, here's a song I'm enjoying, and I want to share it :) *may have been the inspiration for the last paragraph. It's called, "stranger in this world" I quite enjoy it.

Episode 5 on screen play is done.
I think she is done, the animals and other foods are now in it :)
I'll look at it later to make sure i still like it, but so far im pleased!
Haha, the BC fish, for some reason, I accidentaly painted as the Newfoundland fish, so i had to go over that, but i think it worked out.

Canada Day project!
This is just the background, ill put the animals in tomorrow :)
Alrigt, so for a few days I've been feeling slightly overwelmed with homework, end of the year, my own creative projects ect... Things, such as life kept getting in the way and made me feel overwelmed, also the feeling that time is going by WAY TO QUICKLY does not help. (I do think Sarah is correct in her theory of the universe expanding.)

I was worried I'd get to far behind because of the following reasons:
-wednesday I'll be leaving town, very unlikely I can bring my homework on the bus.
-appointments, TOO MANY OF THEM! thank god tis the end of the year and I can start cancelling them. I actually have one monday morning during 3 D -_-
-The week following Easter, that of the 12th, my ushering job will be starting up again.

For these reasons, and to just keep myself sane, I decided to NOT go onto MSN or FACEBOOK this entire weekend (that's the reason guys, and when I accidentallly signed into msn it was because I was connecting my ethernet cable into my laptop and it automatically signed me in, FIY SUKA =P)But I believe it has paid off. Any tips you can give would be helpful, I think I shall do a dry brush of greens and greys over it tomorrow. (do we need a write up :S)

I apologize for the backview, it is apparently shy of its behind as they were ALL dark.

Happy dance.
episode three is done :)
okay it needs MASSIVE edits, but its pretty much done. I need to reorgnaize and maybe add some other scenes but ill tackle that issue another. Now im onto episode four. The episode that stupid 3 was leading to ><
but hurray!
I had a rather sad dream last night. For the most part the dream was long and confusing, it only became sad within the half hour that I was supposed to be up (8:30 [alarm went off and I ignored it] and 9:05, the exact time I woke up and was five minutes late for an appointment). Here it goes:
I was going to go for supper with my father and he usually wants me to bring a friend, so instead of bringing my friend I brought his roomie. There was a lot of waiting around for my father to come pick us up, I remember it was boring and the roomie kept forgetting that we were even going out during the wait. I know that there was one instance where I went online and saw that I was accepted into animation (apparently in the dream I put the portfolio in just to see what would happen) and used that as leverage to cheer up friends that were better artists than me that they would certainly make it. There was a part at a grocery store, I had said something that my father knew to pick me up there. Well he did, but in waiting for him to come the roomie forgot again and we had to drive up the street to his place to pick him up. He came outside and went into the SUV, I was allowed to drive which made the roomie very happy. We went somewhere, I think it was expensive. Then there was the ride home:
I turned down Maley Dr. (a street in Sudbury), and turned to my right. Usually there’s just land there but today there were some deforstations. I was shocked! Then I looked down and I wasn’t driving on a road any more, instead I was driving in a river and on a bike, no less. I turned to my right again, there is more forest now but it is all around a grassy clearing that has a very small hut built. I found this odd because the area on Maley that it was built was supposed to be a Native Reserve. But then I reliazed that it was and the Native of that part build the house. Then I realized my river was above another one, so I jumped the rocks inbetween and began biking down that river, which was much closer to the edge of the reserve. There was somebody standing in the river, I thought he’d be angry with me for biking there so I jumped back to the other one. But he waved me to come back. So I did.
I biked down this part of a river and ran into two other people, they were trying to fish out some food from the river, they gave it to me. There was an avocado, a yellow plum, and something that looked like a smooth, all green, plant with very think leaves, but the people assured me it was salmon. Once I ate through the green part it was.
I went under a bridge and then came up at my mother’s house. Her and I stand on the porch and look out at the woods that is behind our house. We see no woods. The water level has risen to greats heights and loggers have cut down the trees. I see two geese on two separate rocks. The water level takes over their rocks and they fly away (one had a suitcase).
My mother and I tried to call people, for some reason my classmate Dave was there telling us stories about the first time he tried that salmon—we didn’t listen. The city had apparently given out these forms that everyone was allowed to complain about something on, so I suggested she take that and complain about the deforestation and the river. She was about to read over it when I awoke.
I have been writing that screenplay I spoke of last time, and am really enjoying it. I hope I can do something with it when it is done, but of course that never happens. OH WELL! Tis the journey and not the destination!
So, I realized recently WHY i have been avoiding the tenth kingdom for years, because everytime I watch that damn 7 hour movie I get addicted to it! And here is eveidencde, I wrote up the summary to an entire sequal! GAH. been writing it straight since 7 pm, i think...WOW. pathetic. I am debating about whither writing a fanfiction or a screenplay and seeing if I can get people to actually act out and film the (probably 7 hour) fanmade sequal.

Not sure if this makes sense as I have random notes all over my Microsoft notebook, but here it is :D

Tony and Wendell come through the mirror to get wolf and Virginia to come back. The wolves have been trying to start an up rise in Lil. Red. Riding hood's kingdom. They hope that Virginia and Wolf can help them figure out. When they appear in NY. They find that Wolf and Virginia have begun a small bed and breakfast. They had taken out a loan to begin it. Virginia is seven months, now. When they decide to go back to the 9 kingdoms, Wolf makes it clear that Virginia must stay in NY because the child is due so soon. Wendell stays as well, for his own safety and to protect his step sister. So it is only up to Tony and Wolf to vanquish this uprising, for the time being. It should be clear after this part that Virginia is not happy about this, Wendell finds it awkward, Wolf is hiding something and Tony is uncomfortable but wants to fix his relationship with Wolf.

Wolf and Tony head towards the 2nd Kingdom, where the wolf's lair should be. They used Wendell's carriages to the boarder of 4th kingdom, but they proceed on foot throughout the 2nd kingdom, as Wolf knows the wolves to not take kindly to the monarchies. During this time he has been sharing with Tony the little tidbids he knew about the wolves.
>They live primarily in the north, where Little. Red Riding hood III rules.

>Humans had forced them to reside in the forests. So they sit there, loathing the humans.

>Wolves are a very loyal group, having only each other to depend on, if there is a wolf they feel is a weak chain or has betrayed them they shall abandon said wolf, which is what happened to both of Wolf's parents. Thus, when they died, he was made into a lone wolf, someone with no tribe at all. He tries to keep these facts secret, only hinting at things. The truth about his parents betraying the pack comes out when they come into the lair.

>Wolves do not trust many other species besides themselves, they will eat humans and view them as disposable.

>You must gain the trust of the Alpha wolf before you can be invited into the tribe.

>They alternate between male and females as alphas. Although females usually lead the pack longer and males are simply holdings pawns until they find a new female.

They are greeted by the male Alpha wolf who acts friendly, but there is constantly a whip in his voice. He is disgusted by Tony but Wolf convinces them that he is working for him. So they allow him to stay with Wolf. It is with this wolf that all of Wolf's secrets are revealed. They are constantly on tiptoe ground trying to decide if the Alpha trusts them or just wants to eat them. Soon they are joined by Virginia and a disguised Wendell.

Wolf is very unhappy that Virginia is there, he is terrified that the other wolves will eat her. They are about to, until it is seen that she is carrying a wolf child. *a female elder senses it and calls off the hunt of Virginia* She is now accepted amongst their pack as are the others. By now she is but three weeks away from the date and her emotions are running high. She is feeling very jealous that Wolf is not paying as much attention to her as he would have if they were alone in New York.

Wolf tries to convince the wolves to call off their up rise, as they are going to be revoked the pardon that Prince Wendell had created. This is when the Alpha decides to let Wolf in on the fact that Wendell is old news, and they have an agreement with the Ice Queen. It was a private meeting.

Wolf goes back to tell the others. Wendell is frightened, as he has put his kingdom in jeopardy by switching roles with the magical dog. He wants to return home, Wolf says this is a good idea and tells him to take Virginia as well so that his medical team can help her with her pregnancy. This is when they are interrupted by the elder female wolf, who comes in looking for Virginia, saying that she is in great pains.

They rush to Virginia's room, where she is crying from birth pains. The other female elders come in, helping her with the birth They will only allow the life mate to be present. The baby is born prematurely but survives. Wolf is ecstatic about his child, and takes on the role of happy father, where as Virginia begins to suffer from Post Pardon depression. Hating the child and refusing to look at it. Tony is the one who notices it, as Christine had gone through the same thing. Wolf is torn. He is now worried about leaving the baby alone with Virginia but he also wants her to love their son.

Virginia is in such a delicate state that she allows the females wolves (who say they can help) to bring them into their own circle of trust. They try to convince her to leave her mate to raise the child and become a warrior with them. The others do not know what goes on in these secret meetings, but they do notice Virginia becomes very violent with them after each one. The female wolves are trying to make her into a true wolf, a Liken with brute strength and mystical powers, so that she may rule the future generations. as they have a male wolf on the thrown now only because a female has not risen to the occasion. They are certain that if they have the one who over threw the Queen that they would be able to do well in the future. However, after awhile she realizes what they are doing and she worried tells Wolf one night.

They leave, heading back to Wendell's kingdom. However, the potion that the female wolves had given to Virginia was already taken affect. As they are heading through the forests she gets cravings for raw meat and angrily snaps at them. They must make a stop in a town to find a cure for her. It is in this town that they hear how far the Ice Queen has come with her plans.

They shall also be followed by a small pack of female wolves, for two reasons, one to get Virginia back two to kill them for knowing to much. Females are the soldiers where as males work to keep the pack together.
They find a witch in the town who can do what they ask but she wants the child in return. Wolf of course refuses and she dismisses them. They devise a plan; Virginia shall go in and give the woman the child, once she obtains the potion and the witch doesn't suspect anything Tony and Wolf shall break in by the back way and get the child back. This shall not work. The woman has already foreseen this and has locked the child into the cellar, and fights off Wolf and Tony. They return to their inn room where Virginia is happily cured. She notices that they don't have the baby and is mortified. Prince has said this whole time that it wouldn't work, as witches like to barter and they are offering her nothing for the baby. Wolf suggests that they barter Wendell off he disagrees. During the night, when everyone is asleep, Wendell sneaks off and goes to the Witch's shop, he hears her crying for a bone, a bone that is lost in the forest. Wendell goes back to Tony and stirs him, they go out into the forest, Tony rather confused, and search for a bone. Wendell finds one but it is so delicate that he instructs tony to pick it up. He does, he brushes it off and blows the dirt off of it. At which point the bone begins to sing. They rush over to the witch's place and offer her the singing bone in exchange for the baby. She agrees.

Tony and Virginia wake up in the inn to the sound of Tony making baby noises to his granddaughter. They are more than relieved and Virginia runs to the child, embracing it for the first time ever. Wolf and Tony watch in amazement.

They must decide what their next move is. They know they must head back to Wendell's castle and decide to head there. However, by now the wolves are gaining speed and the Ice Queen knows of them as well. When they enter the fourth Kingdom her three of her soldiers have come to ambush them. Wolf, Tony and Prince fight them, giving Virginia time to run for cover with her son. Tony is knocked out and dragged off, Wolf is simply injured but feels it his duty to rescue Tony. Wendell goes to find Virginia. She misunderstands Wendell as Prince being dead and her father being kidnapped. She must go and save her father, knowing full well that she is walking into the Ice Queen's trap. She assumes that the Queen knows that Wendell is a dog and wants him and she and Wendell discuss how they must protect him from the queen so that the Kingdom is safe. However, now they have begun to backtrack and the wolves are still hot on her trail. They see how distraught she is and take this as an advantage to get her to join them, seeing it as the only way to save her father without risking Wendell she agrees. They go to the Queen. They know the way so its also quicker.

Wolf tries very hard to convince the queen to give Tony over, she finds it interesting that he has come so far for a useless man such as Tony. She tells her "boy" to put Wolf in restraints as well, he tries to fight it off but Wolf is too weak.
Days go by, Wolf tries to get out and he pleads with the boy is in charge of watching them. He explains that he must get back to Virginia.
Now that the wolves have Virginia they plan on taking down the Ice Queen. They approach her kingdom and she is certain they shall betray her, she goes to send new orders to the troops.
When the queen is gone the boy discusses with Wolf this "Virginia" and wonders why he cares so much for another human being. Wolf tries to explain love to the boy who does not know what he is speaking of. However, he thinks he may have had an inkling to it before he came into contact with the queen, he describes the story of a friend he had who had visited him once. Wolf had heard rumours of the snow queen's young boy who she had stolen and frozen his heart. He knows that a young girl did try to save him but he had wished her away and that girl had died of a broken heart due to his cold one. The boy releases Wolf, and soon dies. For that act of courage was what melted his heart but his heart was so cold by now that it was only made of ice, and could not survive if it melted.
Wolf can easily get Tony out as the queen is distracted with the wolves approaching. They overhear her plans and understand, quickly, that Virginia is among them, leading the wolves. They know that the Ice Queen will strive and they rush to get down to the wolves to get Virginia out of there. However, the wolves won't let them in as they do not trust them. Soon Tony sees Wendell and he calls him over, hoping he can help them. Wendell is happy to see them and agrees to help, but he warns them that Virginia misunderstood him and thinks Wolf is dead. They now understand why she has joined forces with the wolves. Wendell goes to Virginia and writes out a message in the snow for her. She reads it and orders the wolves to allow Tony (and anyone with tony as Wendell suggested to her there were more) to see her. The wolf obliges and gets Tony and Wolf, they approach and are surprised to see Virginia wearing the clothing of the Warrior Wolves and sitting in a thorn made out of coniferous tress in their small shelter. She is shocked to see wolf there and believes that it is a trick.
She orders Wolf to show his true form, he honestly says that he is he. Tony tries to explain that Virginia misheard Wendell. The female wolves are there, coaxing Virginia to believe that this was not Wolf. Virginia soon believes that this is Wolf but that he had told Wendell to tell her that he was dead so that he did not have to come back to her or their son. The female wolves tell her that Wolf had abounded her and will do so again, he stands there and makes her understands that he would never do that. It takes some time but she soon believes him.
They discuss a plan?
Virginia can call off the wolves, perhaps convince them that they do not need to overthrow the Ice Queen. Wolf, meanwhile, shall go into the queen's palace and try to take her on.
Virginia calls off the wolves, telling them that their numbers have been weakened too much by the Ice Queen's armies. They agree that she, wolf and Tony should go in alone and kill the Queen. They sneak in, avoiding the soildiers who are distracted by the wolves. The Ice queen watches from afar, understanding that the wolves are stalling for something, that she does not know. She decides to go down and check on her prisoners. She goes there just as they are entering. She sends a blizzard at them with her power. They withstand it long enough, for she then notices the boy.
"Which one of you killed him!"
None of them speak, Wolf is the one who approaches her. "You did."
She sends an icle at him. And calls for her guards. Wolf hopes that none of them come, he hastily tries to explain that the boy died because his heart melted. He asks her why she cares so much, and he tries to probe her into saying that she cared for this son as her own child. The queen explains that her son was killed ages ago by a huntsman, and one day this boy came into her custody, he reminded her of her son and she kept him. But he was as bitter as her, and she had never addmited to loving this child as her own, instead she made him into the obedient slave that he was. Her heart melts, she dies.
then great epilogue happens, haha. I'll figure that out later :P

SO THERE IT IS! I KNOW NO ONE READ IT BUT I HAVEn'T POSTED IN FOREVER! and this is my new project. I've been working on other writings but havn't finished them yet, oh well.
AHAHAH last night I came up with all these ideas for comics to draw.
So I drew them out onto waterpaper.
And I was so excited last night to do them that I couldn't sleep.
Now I have time to paint them.
And I dont want to. -_-
Oh well, tis still early in the day.
So i'm playing a new nancy drew game, Secret of blackmoor Manor.

Here is a delightful picture of Nancy getting eaten by a venus fly trap :D

Goodday :)

ive done some editing on my second self portrait, would like to hear where I need improvements. I know, i have to fix the crown, someone already pointed out that it looks like a banana.

That's all.

If you're an artstudent, a lot of the artwork you are doing is for class :D

Such as the following.
The first is an exterior drawing for Imaging systems (look for the two figures, im sure you'll be surprised about one)

This is my second self portraits, its not done yet, i think it just looks so horrible that i have to share with the world.

This is my logo for 2D. Its for the Canadian Arts Therapy Association. It's kind of done, just need more black on parts.

Today is Thursday.
I think Thursday shall become my relaxation day, aside from groceries, I don't think I do much on these days.
Well today I got up at six and baked cookies, but that doesn't count.

I do have to edit my selfportrait that I posted here Sunday, it need eyebrows ><
I also have to make another one soon, that one I'll be the paperbag princess, its a role playing one.
Oh so that short musical, I've been trying to play around with it, but am having some trouble. The issue is the story only comes to mind when I am in a bad mood, and I dont like that side of me XD. Either way, its expanding into something more than just meeting someone in a coffee shop. The guy that talks to the girl tries to help her, simply because no one trusts anyone anymore and he wants to prove that there are good people in the world, I think he should also do it on a level in which he needs to help people so that he can be loved.

Nothing else to report.

Here are some peices I've been working on this weekend. My self portrait and my new 2D design final

The self portrait is Acrylic on canvas board. It's supposed to represent my ancestry, so I have my tarten over my face, I'm wearing a berret, I have a forestry background, soon (once stuff dries) i will add my celtic cross necklace overtop my tartan. This represents my scottish, french, native and irish heritage.
The 2D design on is actually my second crack at my image. This one is smaller and on a lighter blue. It's mixed media on matte board. I've used inks, gouche, pastel, and pen. so far XD.

These things and a bunch of psych study notes, makes me think I got a lot accomplished this weekend.

Well my paint should be dry, back to the self portrait.
Alright, so I have had several roommates since moving into my dorm room. For various reasons they have had to leave, however, they all decided to leave me a part of them to remember them by.
So between the girl who I replaced, Katie (the girl who lived at her bf's more than her dorm room), Erica (AWESOME, she just didn't like program), I have collected some interesting things.
I may be missing some things that were eaten or thrown away, cuz they were gross.

List of things left behind by my old roommate
· Shower curtain
· Condiments (a whole fridge door worth) and other various foods.
-two bottles of ketchup
-jar of pesto
-1 container of mustard
-two dressings
-Soya sauce
-Balsamic Vinegar
-two bottles of meal replacement drink-
-apple sauce
-cough syrup
-a bag of ice
-a freezie
-small container of mango sorbet
-two “soup in a cup”’s
· A nice serving plate
· A dish rack
· A bathroom mat
· Two large bags of nice toilet paper
· A drawer full of utensils (one box never opened yet)
· Two boxes of tea
· A box of zip lock bags
· Dish rags
· Dish soap
· A bar of hand soap
· Three hooks on the wall

finally made a list. Now for when the new roomies leaves MAWHAHAHAHAHAHa
Alright so my script has gone through its first edit, unfortunately my acting friend never got around to reading it so I consider it to still be amateurish.
However, it is now printed correctly, instead of landscape inwhich it was printed two different ways (it was very odd and frustrating).

Now, I have a new idea that encorperates the same characters as in this play. Perhaps, since that play would only be about half an hour (thats pushing it), I could encorperate the two ideas.
This new story is more about Cornelious than Alfonzo.

Cornelious has a friend named Kara who is going through Kimo therapy but its not looking very good. She does not take to the therapy and she is reaching the end of her life only at the young age of eight. Being an imaginary friend he does not understand death and has a hard time accepting the fact that Kara dies. He has not dealt with this thing before, friends usually push him away and death was always a forign word to him. Now, however, he must find some way to understand and cope with the death of his friend.

So yeah, thats pretty much it without ruining anything. Well lizards will come and eat everyone but that happens in a lot of mystories.

I hope to begin this real soon, I will also be encorperating the seven stages of death into it. I think he will fail at grasping them until Alfonzo says something wise, which will be a very rare occurance in both of their lives.

Well off to brainstorm that little tale.
Alright. So I have written a play, hurray. I think.
It's a short, one Act, five scenes. My friend who is in Theater Prep is looking over it, I think. He may have forgotten about it and has let it slip onto his carpet and is walking over it, wondering what it is. However, since I lent it to him I hope he does read over it and tell me his honest opinion of it.

Childhood friend:
It is about Alfonzo and Cornelious, two invisble friends who deal with real children who call upon them for friendship. Unfortunately, Alfonzo is unaware that he is invisable and when Elliot (his real life friend) is begining to ignore him, Cornelious is having difficulty in making Alfonzo understand that he is invisable.

That's as simple as I can explain the story. I think it is cute. I've always wanted to turn it into a script, I hope I can do something with it now that I have.

I also had some songs randomly play in my head today and am currently writing them down. I think I may turn it into an extremely short musical. In which a man enters a cafe and asks a woman how her day is and she gives him a lengthy response. >.< yeah the idea has only come to me today so it is in DESPERATE need of work.
