SO Thanksgiving I am spending alone, tis okay, twas my choice! However, when I looked at my schedule I noticed I begin production mode immediately after thanksgiving, so I decided, why not use this weekend to prepare a BUNCH of food so I don’t have to cook while I’m at school 6 days a week.
Great idea in theory, I’m sure.
Well my thanksgiving started out nice, our Prop’s teacher, Bob, let us one hour early to go check out a website, seeing as I had already checked this site out I boarded the bus to go to Superstore. However, I stopped before then to do some shopping at Winners.
I’m not really a shopper but I desperately wanted Rubber boots for the weather here, and seeing as the malls kept having them at eight bucks I decided to check this place out. Whoo hoo! Boots for thirty bucks (I would have rather spent ten but w/e). I broke them in by crossing the street to the superstore center. In there I went to the bulk barn and thought I’d purchase some Halloween candies for my roomies. I decided on yellow and brown gummie worms. Then I went through the store and bought the spices and whatever I had on my list....plus a little extra ; )
Finally I went to superstore, who disappointed me several times by not having things on sale that their flyer claimed to be on sale. I ended up with twice my grocery bill but had to reassure myself I may not be going grocery shopping for two weeks, though after the bill I may want to make that five. Hooray four bags jammed full with stuff, my school bag and my umbrella! With all this loaded cargo I decide that I’m taking a cart to the bus stop (it’s not as bad as it seems, it’s just beyond their parking lot....with one parking lot in between.)
Either way, I ended up at the edge of the Superstore parking lot, and saw that my bus was waiting there for me. FOR ONCE THE BUSSES WERE ON MY SIDE! I think, just as my cart stops moving, in the middle of the road, and cars are coming at me from left and right, front and behind. It fully stopped. My first thought, after what the hell?? Was Superstore has a locking device on these! I tried relentlessly to push it forward, but to no avail. Finally I went to the front and with a ton of struggle managed to move mine off the road and onto the edge of the LCBO, where I couldn’t move it anymore. I try to move it, again, and again but it won’t budge. Then I grab the bags and high tail it out of there for the bus. I’m halfway there when the bus decides to leave. Angrily I move forward and wait for another bus to come.
After some time of me texting people, telling them of the bus fiasco another came. I stumbled onto the bus and took a seat. At the second stop a stoned man came onto the bus. Unfortunately when he came on I was trying to see the sign post past him. He apparently thought I was staring at him and took the seat directly across from me. At which point he asked me how I was doing and wasn’t satisfied with my answer of “okay”. He wanted me to amplify and I used the word, “content.” He shrugged and went to the back of the bus and decided to start up a conversation with people who weren’t there.
The bus got to my stop, no one followed me off, and I somehow managed to treck all my bags almost home. They fell, a third time, outside of a house a few doors down from me. This was when our neighbour, who i have never met before, offered to help.
That night I made an apple pie and a tortiere, that can’ keep it’s lid on.
Hooray for food!