I've never truly expressed this view, but it is a thought of mine, and I've never actually posted a thought on here, so why not?

The term, "I'm only human." is one often used as an excuse for not performing as adequately as one should. I must say, whenever I hear this term being used I cringe and die a little inside.
When did "human" become the lowest denominator, the par of our existence? The item of which we do not strive for merely succeed automatically and it is still not the glorious trophy?

How dare we use the word human so disgracefully that we will mock our history! Great people achieved great wonders, they were only human, but their ideas and creations have lived on far beyond them. Dante, and his philosophy theories. Michelangelo and Leonardo, their discovers about the human anatomy and their artwork that still strikes us. Gallelao, of course, a man who risked alienation to discover truth far greater than humans had ever thought was in their grasp before. Before these men as well there were signs of humans attaining to things they never thought possible before: look at the pyramids or Sphinx: aliens did not build those, humans did. Ancient Rome, statues, art, buildings, created by humans. Everything still alive today, why? Because we didn't stop with this belief that humans could simply attain only up to one set line. the term "only human" wasn't in existence because we were all that there was.

Only human? Do not insult those who have walked this earth before you.
Hey, haven't been updating this much, I guess a good reason would be the lack of internet at all hours of the day.
I have two new gouche paintings done. I should really begin putting my comics up, perhaps I'll do that today.
I've been writing, that tenth kingdom script is done its roughest, first copy. now to edit it. I also have a ton of other writing ideas I'm playing with:

1-script: Remake of a Twilight Episode I watched at 1Am a few weeks ago. It was called "a Piano in the House". Where a synical man takes pleasures in embaressing people and uses a self playing piano to bring out everyone's hidden selves. The story struck me as interesting but the fifteen minute episode did not give enough time for this story to evolve as much as I'd have liked.

2-Fairytale: You're right, I'm not tired of fairy tales yet! This is like a parable, that shall combine all the fairytales together by the one constant figure in them all: Prince Charming. Essentially, Prince Charming is the same guy in each story, once he marries one girl he'll find a way to get rid of her, and then goes off to find a new one :) I only got the idea two days ago so I don't know how it will all work out, but that is it!

3-Short Story: this one is extremely new and I'm not sure if I should write it. I'm having trouble just writing the summary here, haha.
Basically a young, gay, man decides to come out of the closet to his mother and it doesn't go according to HIS plan. He's this romantic character who wants his life to be like what he reads in his books and plays. So when he comes out he's expecting this huge abandonment from his mother and a life struggle to rebuild a relationship: he really wants it to be a turning point for himself that he can write a book about like so many people have done before him, but he throughly misjudges his mother who already figured it out and is very accepting of his life style. His decision to live a life that is unattainable to him and only available in his books, results in him hurting his mother, leading to alienation from his family.

Dont know if those things made sense, whatever :)

Anyway, here's a song I'm enjoying, and I want to share it :) *may have been the inspiration for the last paragraph. It's called, "stranger in this world" I quite enjoy it.

Episode 5 on screen play is done.